-Canadian Author-
Elizabeth Haynes
Books By Elizabeth Haynes
The Errant Husband
Thelma, a bored Calgary bureaucrat and her husband, Wally, a struggling writer, are drifting apart. Thelma discovers a box of old papers from the archeology degree she didn’t complete, while Wally revisits his youthful obsession with Che Guevara after Rosa, an attractive young Cuban poet, joins his writing group. Wally receives a grant to study the conquistador, Hernando De Soto, in Cuba, and Thelma decides to join him. Arriving in Havana, she discovers that Wally has disappeared.
With the artist/gypsy cab driver, Tomás, his side kick, Jorge, and Cathy, a divorcee looking for love, Thelma travels the island in search of her errant husband. She is visited by the ghost of Isabel de Bobadilla, the wife De Soto abandoned, and memories of her beloved late father, a geologist. When the Soviet era Lada breaks down on a remote part of the Zapata peninsula, Thelma and Tomás discover a shared interest in the underground caves that litter the limestone peninsula and the sparks begin to fly.
Speak Mandarin, Not Dialect
ISBN-10 : 1895449952
ISBN-13 : 978-1895449952
Fever and delirium in a Delhi hotel, a highjacked bus in Mexico, a ghost in the mountains, an outlaw in a Camaro -- with cinematic immediacy, Elizabeth Haynes captures people at those moments in their lives when the past catches up with them. Sometimes that past is invited, sometimes it lies in ambush, waiting for a trick of light or a twist of fate to reveal it. It is never quite consoling.
In Speak Mandarin Not Dialect, Elizabeth Haynes's first collection of fiction, the author's eye is as keen and focused on the world of here and now as it is on the surfacing patterns for memory. Here are thirteen stories, thirteen lives, explored in a wholly original way.
Books By Sterling Haynes
Bloody Practice
Reflections on Doctoring Around the World
ISBN: 978-0-920576-97-7 / 0-92057697-4​
Author Sterling Haynes began his medical practice in the wild frontier town of Williams Lake, BC, and has gone on to travel the world as a doctor, an observer and a humanist.
“Almost forty years as a rural and urban general practitioner was interesting and demanding. Interacting with people of varied backgrounds and cultures and delivering thousands of babies gave me great satisfaction. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
— Dr. Sterling Haynes.
Wake-Up Call
Tales from a Frontier Doctor
ISBN: 978-1-894759-44-1 / 1-894759-44-3
In his second book, Wake-Up Call, Sterling Haynes begins by telling us that at the age of seventy a left hemisphere stroke rearranged his brain. “My right creative side took over and I started to write poetry and humour. I was left with a partially paralyzed right foot, but a writer’s creative right brain. I think I got the better of the deal, a new brain in trade for a foot. The funny episodes in my medical practice became hilarious. The sad, melancholy parts of my life’s memories looked less bleak."
Haynes shares the humorous and sometimes bizarre tales of his life as a doctor: a man shoots off his big toe in a drunken binge and then begs the doc to get him to Sunday Mass on time; an inmate swallows a spoon to avoid solitary confinement; an accident with a Murphy bed leaves a man hanging for more than ten hours.
“I worked long hours, made house calls, went out with the ambulance and flew to remote accident areas, sometimes receiving payment in kind: hinds of beef, lamb and moose, bags of potatoes and turnips and, on one occasion, a big game guide brought me a four-point buck in payment for delivering his first son, leaving the dressed carcass in the centre of my waiting room. “
Haynes tells it like it was in these tales of a frontier doctor, from Williams Lake to Alabama.